My website is designed with Weebly. It is easy to use for the beginner and flexible enough for the professional. Just dive in and it's intuitive nature will guide you. I am continuously fine-tuning with new ideas. This method is an absolute winner for me. Set up your website goals as an outline that represents the best way to present your work.
Then start working on content... quality first, quantity will follow. This may look very different for every creative venture you may be pursuing. You need not 'publish' until you are ready but your website in any form will be saved. Eventually you will see a pattern emerging as you upload your work. Perhaps a style is becoming apparent, color palette or subjects are repeating. Notice what works and what does not. You now have the opportunity to manipulate your online presence in a way that reflects you as an individual from that very first piece you have finished. Try it! If you are a beginner, it will give you direction. If you are a lifer like me, and have the inevitable bumps in the road, it gets you focused and back on tract. The template and title outline is the key! Witness it up on your monitor. Fire and chill... knowing you have the freedom to create your heart out works best when you know where you are going... the structure keeps your goal right in front of you. Let me know how this method works for you! I'm back to work!!
What do YOU do to kick-start YOUR creative day?
August 2019