The "Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators" is the premiere organization for anyone seeking to work in the area of children's publications... DUH!! SCBWI-LA holds a 4 day summer extravaganza right here in Los Angeles. The annual winter conference is in New York City. They are pricey! But see it as a PhD in your Field of Dreams... ![]() Here's a few tips I figured out years ago... Pace yourself. These are long info packed days. Your brain might implode or explode, both are equally nasty. At some point, stake out some 'me time' to process. Organize notes. EAT and HYDRATE! ![]() I picked a session with a well-known writer... the amazing Leslea Newman. Since I write AND illustrate, it was a good idea to attend a workshop where we actually wrote on the spot with Leslea's prompts. Her detailed and thoughtful analysis of a host of picture books was invaluable. The perspective of time and place and space was brought to light and I now understand how it contributes to the quality of a story. Two of my favorite books by Leslea Newman. Artists Amy June Bates and Maria Mola ![]() Take advantage of these intimate sessions to talk privately and snap a picture! Lastly, have fun with your peeps!
If you are new to the scene, introduce yourself... This is THE place where you will find your true partners-in-crime. And soon they will be life-long friends... such as mine in the pic above! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
August 2019